New Programs
Launched in 2023
Tidy Queensland Awards
We come together to celebrate and acknowledge the remarkable efforts of individuals, businesses and schools committed to improving their local environment and reducing their footprint.
Through visionary initiatives, groundbreaking research, and dedicated advocacy, these awardees have shown an unwaivering commitment to environmental sustainability and conservation. Join us as we highlight their inspiring stories and contributions, and gain insight into the extraordinary work being done to preserve and protect our natural world.
Our Queensland Passport
Embark on a journey of discovering Queensland’s accredited and award winning Tidy Towns and Clean Beaches with our Queensland Passport - your gateway to exploring charming towns like never before. Our interactive tourism brochure is your key to unlocking a wealth of informative insights about each unique destination. Delve into the heart of these towns, from hidden gems to local traditions, and immerse yourself in their rich culture and history. Join us in creating unforgettable memories as you traverse through these captivating places, armed with the knowledge that will make your stay truly remarkable.
Zero Waste Queensland
Your destination for a sustainable tomorrow. Our zero waste initiative is a bold step towards a cleaner, greener future, where every action counts and waste becomes a commodity. Here, we champion mindful consumption, innovative practices, and community engagement to minimise our environmental footprint. Join us on this transformative journey as we empower families (households), businesses and communities (neighbourhoods) to embrace a lifestyle that not only benefits our planet, but also enriches our lives. Together, we can pave the way to a world where waste is but a distant memory.

Current Programs
Our programs motivate people to enhance the quality of their local environment through personal initiative and community action.
Queensland Tidy Towns
Our flagship program; Tidy Towns aims to recognise and reward work occurring in towns across Queensland.
The Tidy Towns program was adjusted in 2016 to include an accreditation component to better reflect the comprehensive approach that has been a part of the Tidy Towns ethos for many years.
Cleaner Greener Schools
Our Cleaner Greener Schools program offers accreditation recognition of 1 to 5 stars to primary and secondary school's cleaner and grecredentials, while providing opportunities for students, teachers and communities to build further knowledge, skills and advance attitudes to issues relating to litter, waste and biodiversity.
City Spring Clean
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Recycle Right
Where knowledge meets action in the quest for a more sustainable world.
Our platform is designed to empower individuals (households), communities (neighbourhoods) and businesses with the information and tools they need to recycle with precision and purpose. Understanding that recycling is not just about the act, but the technique, we’re here to guide you through the intricacies of proper recycling practices.
Happy Homes
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Current Initiatives
Queensland Youth Environment Council
A diverse group of young Queenslanders aged between 12 and 25 years old. The inaugural Council was formed in May 2007 for the purpose of providing advice to the Queensland Government through the then Minister for Sustainability, Climate Change and Innovation and the Minister for Education, Training and the Arts, on key environmental and sustainability issues.
Queensland Litter Prevention Alliance
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Current Campaigns & Partnerships
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Trash Bucket Challenge
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One Minute A Day
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TerraCycle Drop Off Point
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Toad Busters
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Past Programs
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Cleaner Communities Brisbane
Do you know someone going above and beyond for our environment? Help us celebrate their achievements, passion and commitment by nominating them for a Cleaner Communities Brisbane recognition award.
City Spring Clean
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Brisbane Spotless Suburbs
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Healthy Queensland Awards
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Clean Site
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Low Carbon Diet
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Waste Characterisation Survey
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EnviroEd Tours
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Green and Healthy Schools
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Sustainable Events Guide
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The Children’s Tree
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Filbert’s Place
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Butt Free Communities
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